How to apply signal filtering in PyMC?

I was using PyMC and try to follow blog by Dr. Juan Camilo Orduz, and a blog by Dr. Robert Kübler. In the blog he use GaussianRandomWalk to model time varying coefficient. However when I try it on my own dataset, the random walk coefficients overfit, and cause other prior not to converge (r_hat > 2). So instead of modeling time-varying coefficient as pure GaussianRandomWalk, I think transforming the input using signal filtering method like savgol_filter would be nice

However if I apply the savgol_filter directly it give me

ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.

which is somewhat expected as the input variable is a pytensor, but savgol_filter need a numpy input

Another way I can think of is to apply convolution to the signal, however the document seems to be missing. I opened an issue here just in case

I’ve tried implement convolution operation, but my code is very slow

def pt_conv1d(a, v, sig_sz=None, mode="full"):
    # Based on
    assert mode in ["full", "valid", "same"]
    kernel = v[::-1]
    if sig_sz is None:
        sig_sz = a.shape[0]
    ker_sz = v.shape[0]
    if len(kernel) == 1:
        mode = "full"
    if mode == "full":
        min_idx = 0
        max_idx = sig_sz + ker_sz - 1
    elif mode == "valid":
        min_idx = ker_sz - 1
        max_idx = -1*(ker_sz - 1)
        min_idx = ker_sz//2 - 1
        max_idx = sig_sz + ker_sz - min_idx - 2
    return pt.as_tensor_variable([
            a[max(0, i): min(i+ker_sz, sig_sz)],
            kernel[max(-i,0): sig_sz-i*(sig_sz-ker_sz<i)],
        ) for i in range(1 - ker_sz, sig_sz)
    ][min_idx: max_idx])

So is there a recommend way to apply signal filtering?

You can do 1d convolution using conv2d, you just have to add a dummy dimension then remove it when you’re done. I don’t have any PyMC or PyTensor examples of this, but I found this discussion about 1d convolution from the Theano team, which linked to these examples in the Lasagna library. Everything should work exactly the same (this part of the code base hasn’t changed since back then afaik), you’ll just have to rename some imports.

The convolution library is a bit of an orphan from the days when Theano was all about neural networks. There used to be comprehensive docs for it but they seem to have gotten lost in the shuffle. I found them on the wayback machine, though, along with the API docs here. Maybe you could rescue it :smiley:


I’ve tried it and it work! If I use pymc sampler it is okay, but if I use a numpyro sampler it error out

NotImplementedError: No JAX conversion for the given `Op`: AbstractConv2d{convdim=2, border_mode=(0, (2, 1)), subsample=(1, 1), filter_flip=True, imshp=(None, None, None, None), kshp=(None, None, None, None), filter_dilation=(1, 1), num_groups=1, unshared=False}

I think this is related to No JAX conversion for aesara convolution. But for now, using pymc sampler is good enough

Also when I tested on pymc=5.1.2, python=3.11 it run just fine, but pymc=5.2.0, python=3.10 never pass the sampling stage (just hang)

Sanity test code

import pytensor.tensor as pt
import pytensor.tensor.conv
import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2, 1])

for ker in [[1, 1, 1, 3], [1, 1, 1, 3, 1]]:
    ker = np.array(ker)
    pt_arr, pt_ker = pt.as_tensor(arr), pt.as_tensor(ker)

    print(np.convolve(arr, ker, mode="same"))
                pt_arr.reshape((1, 1, 1, pt_arr.shape[0])),
                pt_ker.reshape((1, 1, 1, pt_ker.shape[0])),
                border_mode=((0, 0), (ker.shape[0]//2, ker.shape[0]//2 - ((ker.shape[0] + 1)%2)))
            ), (pt_arr.shape[0],)
    print(np.convolve(arr, ker, mode="valid"))
                pt_arr.reshape((1, 1, 1, pt_arr.shape[0])),
                pt_ker.reshape((1, 1, 1, pt_ker.shape[0])),
            ), (pt_arr.shape[0] - (pt_ker.shape[0] - 1),)
    print(np.convolve(arr, ker, mode="full"))
                pt_arr.reshape((1, 1, 1, pt_arr.shape[0])),
                pt_ker.reshape((1, 1, 1, pt_ker.shape[0])),
            ), (pt_arr.shape[0] + (pt_ker.shape[0] - 1),)


I port code of savitzky_golay to work with PyTensor

def pt_savitzky_golay(x, window_size: int, order: int, deriv: int=0, rate=1):
    # Ref:
    # Assume x.shape[0] >= window_sz
    order_range = range(order+1)
    half_window = (window_size -1) // 2
    # precompute coefficients
    b = np.mat([[k**i for i in order_range] for k in range(-half_window, half_window+1)])
    m = np.linalg.pinv(b).A[deriv] * rate**deriv * np.math.factorial(deriv)
    # pad the signal at the extremes with
    # values taken from the signal itself
    firstvals = x[0] - pt.abs( x[1:half_window+1][::-1] - x[0] )
    lastvals = x[-1] + pt.abs( x[-half_window-1:-1][::-1] - x[-1] )
    x = pt.concatenate((firstvals, x, lastvals))
    return (
                x.reshape((1, 1, 1, x.shape[0])),
                m[::-1].reshape((1, 1, 1, m[::-1].shape[0])),
            ), (x.shape[0] - m[::-1].shape[0] + 1, )

xarr = pt.as_tensor(np.array([1, 2, 3, 10, 3, 2, 4, 1, 3, 4, 0], dtype=np.float64))

print(savitzky_golay(xarr.eval(), 5, 2)) # From
print(pt_savitzky_golay(xarr, 5, 2).eval())
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You could also try compiling it to rust with nutpie and see if that works.

Tried that and got the following error (nutpie 0.5.0 via PyPi)

AttributeError: 'Model' object has no attribute 'n_dim'

Maybe I will look into it later, thanks

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Adding (length safe) Exponential Weighted Moving Average based on this answer to have same functionality as pandas.DataFrame.ewm

Also this one support numpyro sampler

import numpy as np
import pytensor.tensor as pt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def get_max_row_size(alpha, dtype=float):
    assert 0. <= alpha < 1.
    epsilon = np.finfo(dtype).tiny
    return int(np.log(epsilon)/np.log(1-alpha)) + 1

def pt_ewma(data, alpha, shape: int, max_chunk_size: int):
    # Based on:
    def pt_ewma_func(x, offset):
        scaling_factors = (1 - alpha)**(pt.arange(x.shape[0] + 1))
        out = (x * (alpha * scaling_factors[-2]) / scaling_factors[:-1]).cumsum()
        out /= scaling_factors[-2::-1]
        out += offset * scaling_factors[1:]
        return out
    n_chunks = shape // max_chunk_size
    n_trails = shape % max_chunk_size
    if n_chunks == 0:
        return pt_ewma_func(data, offset=data[0])
    scaling_factors = (1 - alpha) ** pt.arange(1, max_chunk_size + 1)
    last_scaling_factor = scaling_factors[-1]
    out_main = pt.as_tensor_variable([
        pt_ewma_func(data[ i*max_chunk_sz: (i + 1)*max_chunk_sz ], offset=0) for i in np.arange(n_chunks)
    offsets = [data[0]]
    for i in np.arange(1, n_chunks):
        offsets.append(offsets[i - 1] * last_scaling_factor + out_main[i - 1, -1])
    offsets = pt.as_tensor_variable(offsets)
    if n_chunks > 0:
        out_main += offsets.reshape((n_chunks, 1)) * scaling_factors.reshape((1, max_chunk_size))
    out_tail =  [] if n_trails == 0 else pt_ewma_func(data[-n_trails:], offset=out_main[-1, -1])
    return pt.concatenate([out_main.reshape((n_chunks * max_chunk_size, )), out_tail])

window_sz = 30
alpha = 2/(window_sz + 1.0)
max_chunk_sz = get_max_row_size(alpha, np.float32)

grw = np.cumsum(np.random.normal(size=max_chunk_sz + 10))
pt_grw = pt.as_tensor_variable(grw)

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
plt.plot(pt_ewma(pt_grw, alpha, shape=grw.shape[0], max_chunk_size=max_chunk_sz).eval())

And median filtering - model after scipy.signal.medfilt. This version will have boundary artifacts, but I’m not sure how to do it fast (numpyro not supported)

def pt_medfilt(arr, kernel_sz, fill_value=0):
    if kernel_sz % 2 == 0:
        med_arr = pt.stack([
            *[pt.concatenate([arr[i:], (fill_value*pt.ones(i))]) for i in range(kernel_sz // 2, 0, -1)],
            *[pt.concatenate([(fill_value*pt.ones(i)),arr[:-i]]) for i in range(1, kernel_sz // 2 + 1)],
        idx = (kernel_sz // 2)
        return (med_arr[idx, :] + med_arr[idx + 1, :])/2
        med_arr = pt.stack([
            *[pt.concatenate([arr[i:], (fill_value*pt.ones(i))]) for i in range(kernel_sz // 2, 0, -1)],
            *[pt.concatenate([(fill_value*pt.ones(i)),arr[:-i]]) for i in range(1, kernel_sz // 2 + 1)],
        idx = (kernel_sz // 2)
        return med_arr[idx, :]

window_sz = 30

grw = np.cumsum(np.random.normal(size=1000))
pt_grw = pt.as_tensor_variable(grw)

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
plt.plot(pt_medfilt(pt_grw, window_sz).eval())