Some problems about pytensor

I get few problems about Pytensor. My major is physics, I use pymc and pytensor to process some signal.In my problem ,the signal’s expression F(t) can be divided as physical signal ,assume it as f(t) and the response of instrument, which is called IRF.The signal can be seen as the convolution of f(t) and IRF.there are some parameters in the F(t).I want use Bayes method to fit the curve, and find the parameters in it.
The first problem is the convolution in PyTensor.I’m not familiar with CNN or scan and I‘m just begin to learn it.I’m only familiar with how convolve works in numpy. I have asked here how convolve1d works in Pytensor, I’m wondering if it works the same as numpy or scipy ?I did‘t find the tutorial about 1d convolve in Pytensor.
The second problem is how to assign a certain part of a tensor to another tensor? If in numpy ,I use

import pytensor.tensor as pt
from pytensor.tensor import conv
import numpy as np
G=pt. fvector('G')
for i in range(4):
    G[i] = E[i]

to assign the first five elements of E to G, but if in PyTensor, G[i] = E[I] isn’t work ,what should I do?
My third problem is how to evaluate the result of sampling,

from pytensor.tensor import conv
def Ft(A,sigma2,mu2):
    ft=(conv.causal_conv1d(ft2, IRF1, filter_shape=(1,1,IRF1.shape[2]))).squeeze()
    return ft
with pm.Model() as final_model:
    amp = pm.Uniform('amp',lower=-1.0,upper=0)
    mu1 = pm.Uniform('mu1', lower=10,upper=20)
    sigma1 = pm.Uniform('sigma1',lower=0,upper=5)   
        mu= Ft(amp,sigma1,mu1),
    output = pm.Deterministic('output',Ft(amp,sigma1,mu1))
    prior = pm.sample_prior_predictive()
    posterior_f = pm.sample(draws =1000, target_accept = 0.9,chains=4,cores=4)
    posterior_f = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(posterior_f, extend_inferencedata=True)
    az.plot_trace(posterior_f, var_names = ['amp','mu1','sigma1'])
    result=az.summary(posterior_f, var_names = ['amp','mu1','sigma1'])

the results are:
Figure 2023-12-09 182935

seems the accuracy is ok,
I drew a graph based on the parameters deduced, and the results are as follows, compared to the original data, the error is very large, it seems like PyMC converged to the wrong result.
Figure 2023-12-09 182919

I’m a freshman user of Pytensor,so any advise is helpful.Thanks.

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To set values to a tensor you can use pt.set_subtensor. For example:

import pytensor.tensor as pt
x = pt.zeros((3, 3))
x = pt.set_subtensor(x[0, 0], 3)

>>> Out: array([[3., 0., 0.],
                [0., 0., 0.],
                [0., 0., 0.]])

As for the model, it seems like it’s working fine? You used the mean of the posterior to make that plot? I would not suggest this; instead use all the draws from pm.sample_posterior_predictive to see the whole distribution over possible data (or at least compute the HDI and use that)

The MCMC sample diagnostics are all look good (r_hat is 1, chains are mixing, no divergences…), so there’s not really any reason to believe the sampler “converged to the wrong result”. You could use the parameters in a numpy/scipy conv1d function if you’re worried about a computation mistake there. Otherwise, it means that your model is misspecificied. You’re using a causal convolution (the past values are used to compute the future value) so it’s correct to see this shifting forward in your outputs.

Thank you.I’m wondering if there is any function can exam the deviation between the expected value and the true value of the model, such as az.plot_ppc?By the way, in v5,how to print the parameters’ correlation matrix like this?