Issue with az.plot_ppc Showing a Single Straight Line in Non-linear Differential Equations

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on validating the posterior distribution of a SEIRS model using the az.plot_ppc function from the ArviZ library. However, when I generate the posterior predictive checks, the plot only shows a single straight line, which is not what I expected.(Everything else works properly) .

Just like this(I only sampled 90 times for showing what it like, but the same as more times):

Typically, the az.plot_ppc function should display multiple lines representing the distribution of simulated data from the posterior, allowing me to compare it with the observed data. A single straight line might indicate that there’s an issue with the model, the data, or how the posterior predictive samples are being generated. When I tryed the example code (simple linear regression model), it works. But when I moved it into this Non-linear Differential Equations, it failed to work properly.

Here is the code:

#the former is a class for processing data, I moved it out in case of too long
class SERIS_model():
    def __init__(self,region,data) -> None:
        self.covid_dates = data['covid_dates']
        self.covid_cases = data['covid_cases']
        self.influenza_dates = data['influenza_dates']
        self.influenza_cases = data['influenza_cases']
        self.parameter = {
            'sigma_1' : 0.15,
            'sigma_2' : 0.5,
            'gamma_1' : 1/7,
            'gamma_2' : 0.2,
            'gamma_3' : 0.1,
            'theta1' : 0.001,
            'theta2' : 0.001,
            'xi' : 1/365 ,
        #Crowd proportion
        self.init_y = [
            1 - 0.00016177807486631015 - 5.922459893048128e-07 - 0.38,
        self.samples_params = {
            'n_samples' : 200,
            'n_tune' : 100,
            'cores' : 6,
        self.region_population = {
            'EURO' : 744000000,
            'AMRO' : 1018000000,
            'AFRO' : 1216000000,
            'SEARO' : 1984000000,
            'WPRO' : 1650000000,
            'EMRO' : 654000000,
        self.region = region
    # SEIRS model
    def SEIRS_non_normalized(self, y, t, p):
        Need to keep it a secret here
        result = [dSdt, dE1dt, dE2dt, dI1dt, dI2dt, dS12dt, dS21dt, dE12dt, dE21dt, dI12dt, dI21dt, dRdt, dE120dt, dE210dt, dI0dt]
        return result

    def setup_SEIRS_model(self):
        seirs_model = pm.ode.DifferentialEquation(
                times=np.arange(0,max(len(self.covid_dates), len(self.influenza_dates)),1),
        return seirs_model
    def run_SEIRS_model(self, seirs_model):
        # model
        with pm.Model() as self.model:
            # Priors for unknown model parameters
            beta1 = pm.Normal('beta1', 0.5 ,1)
            beta2 = pm.Normal('beta2', 0.5 ,1)
            delta1 = pm.Normal('delta1', 0.5 ,1)
            delta2 = pm.Normal('delta2', 0.5 ,1)
            res = seirs_model(y0=self.init_y, theta=[beta1, beta2, delta1, delta2])

            covid_new = self.parameter['sigma_1']*(res[:,1] + res[:,8] + res[:,14])
            influenza_new = self.parameter['sigma_2']*(res[:,2] + res[:,7] + res[:,13])
            self.covid_relative_cases = np.array(self.covid_cases)/self.region_population[self.region]
            self.influenza_relative_cases = np.array(self.influenza_cases)/self.region_population[self.region]
            sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', 1, shape=1)
            covid_obs = pm.StudentT('covid_obs',nu=10, mu=(covid_new), sigma=sigma, observed=self.covid_relative_cases) #1000
            influenza_obs = pm.StudentT('influenza_obs',nu=10, mu=(influenza_new), sigma=sigma, observed=self.influenza_relative_cases)
            trace = pm.sample_prior_predictive(50)
            trace.extend(pm.sample(self.samples_params['n_samples'], tune=self.samples_params['n_tune'], cores=self.samples_params['cores'], target_accept=0.95)) #Metropolis
            return trace
    def analysis(self, trace):
        # result
        # print results
        az.plot_forest(trace, r_hat=True)

        with self.model:
            check = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace,extend_inferencedata=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    region = 'EURO'
    data_visualizer = DiseaseDataVisualizer('WHO-COVID-19-global-data6.30.csv', 'VIW_FNT6.30.csv')
    data = data_visualizer.get_region_data(region)

    model = SERIS_model(region,data)
    seirs_model = model.setup_SEIRS_model()
    trace = model.run_SEIRS_model(seirs_model)

Has anyone encountered a similar problem? I searched almost all the posts and didn’t get the answer. I wanted could this be due to the model not converging properly, or could there be an issue with the data passed to az.plot_ppc? If this function can’t be used here, how can I check this model? Any insights or suggestions on how to troubleshoot this would be greatly appreciated!

And other one more question is whether I could use

covid_new = self.parameter['sigma_1']*(res[:,1] + res[:,8] + res[:,14])
influenza_new = self.parameter['sigma_2']*(res[:,2] + res[:,7] + res[:,13])

this kind of methods to calculate the I_new(this two)? Is it permitted in pymc(I mean can I add them together straightly)?

Thanks in advance for your help!


I suspect that you are running into this issue.

Thanks to @cluhmann for pointing me to the post! Following the advice there, I managed to partially resolve the issue—I changed my code like this:

    def analysis(self, trace):
        # result
        # print
        az.plot_forest(trace, r_hat=True)

        with self.model:
            check = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace,extend_inferencedata=True)
        fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
        fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()

        ax = az.plot_ppc(check, alpha=0.025, kind='kde', observed=True, ax=[ax1,ax2])
        for i, ax in enumerate(ax.flat):

now the observed data curve is no longer a straight line. However, I’m still facing some problems:

  1. Despite ‘fixing’(actually, it’s just amplification) the observed data curve, the other posterior predictive curves are still appearing as single straight lines. This seems unusual, and I’m not sure why only the observed data was corrected while the other two remain problematic.Was my data processing methods towards covid_new and influenza_new went wrong?

  2. Although the observed data curve is now showing properly in the az.plot_ppc output, it doesn’t match the curve I get when I plot the observed data directly using the same data processing code. The two curves it should be is like this:

If you need more and more detailed code, please feel free to let me know.

Thanks again for your help! I’ve been struggling with this issue for weeks :frowning: , any insights or suggestions on how to troubleshoot this would be greatly appreciated.

I found the solution with my friend’ s help. See this post:

ppc_samples = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace, samples=1000, model=LV_model)["Y_obs"]
mean_ppc = ppc_samples.mean(axis=0)
CriL_ppc = np.percentile(ppc_samples, q=2.5, axis=0)
CriU_ppc = np.percentile(ppc_samples, q=97.5, axis=0)

you should calculate the ppc “by hand”, then draw it also by hand:

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 2 * (5)))
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(Year, Lynx, "o", color="b", lw=4, ms=10.5)
plt.plot(Year, mean_ppc[:, 1], color="b", lw=4)
plt.plot(Year, CriL_ppc[:, 1], "--", color="b", lw=2)
plt.plot(Year, CriU_ppc[:, 1], "--", color="b", lw=2)
plt.xlim([1900, 1920])
plt.ylabel("Lynx conc", fontsize=15)
plt.xticks(Year, rotation=45)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(Year, Hare, "o", color="g", lw=4, ms=10.5, label="Observed")
plt.plot(Year, mean_ppc[:, 0], color="g", lw=4, label="mean of ppc")
plt.plot(Year, CriL_ppc[:, 0], "--", color="g", lw=2, label="credible intervals")
plt.plot(Year, CriU_ppc[:, 0], "--", color="g", lw=2)
plt.xlim([1900, 1920])
plt.xlabel("Year", fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel("Hare conc", fontsize=15)
plt.xticks(Year, rotation=45);

just like this.
Thanks to pymc Community !