I have been working on modeling the below State Space Model
where X_{i,t+1} is the hidden state for ith sample at time t, U_i is known exogenous variables, \lambda_{i,t} is the prediction for ith sample at time t. Q, A, B and C are parameters of the model. Below is the code for the model
with pm.Model() as mod:
sd_dist = pm.Exponential.dist(1.0, shape=latent_variables)
mu1 = np.zeros(latent_variables)
chol1, corr, stds = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('chol_cov1', n=latent_variables, eta=2,
sd_dist=sd_dist, compute_corr=True)
pred_Z = pm.MvNormal('pred_Z', mu=mu1, chol=chol1, shape=(latent_variables))
mu2 = np.zeros(num_features)
chol2, corr, stds = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('chol_cov2', n=num_features, eta=2,
sd_dist=sd_dist, compute_corr=True)
pred_B = pm.MvNormal('B', mu=mu2, chol=chol2, shape=(num_features))
A_pt = pt.as_tensor_variable(A_block)
sigmas_Q = pm.HalfNormal('sigmas_Q', sigma=1, shape= (latent_variables))
Q = pt.diag(sigmas_Q)
u = pm.MutableData("input", u_scale)
#x0 = pm.MutableData("x_init", x_0)
data = pm.MutableData("data", data_train)
samples = u.shape[0]
x0 = pt.zeros((num_samples , latent_variables))
def step(x, A, Q, samples):
innov = pm.MvNormal.dist(mu=0, tau=Q, size = (samples))
next_x = pt.nlinalg.matrix_dot(x,A) + innov
return next_x, collect_default_updates([x, A, Q, samples], [next_x])
hidden_states_pt, updates = pytensor.scan(step,
non_sequences=[A_pt, Q, samples],
mod.register_rv(hidden_states_pt, name='hidden_states', initval=pt.zeros((T, samples, latent_variables)))
#pred_Z = pm.HalfNormal('pred_Z', sigma=1, size= latent_variables)
temp1 = pt.transpose(pt.nlinalg.matrix_dot(u,pred_B))
#hidden_states_pt = pt.reshape(hidden_states_pt,(T,num_samples,latent_variables))
#lambdas = pt.exp(hidden_states_pt[:, np.arange(0, num_samples * latent_variables, 2)]+temp1)
lambdas = pt.exp(pt.squeeze(pt.nlinalg.matrix_dot(hidden_states_pt,pred_Z))+temp1)
obs = pm.Poisson('obs', lambdas, observed=data)
I estimate the model parameters using the training data \lambda and U. Now I want to do some prediction on test data U_{test}. I was thinking of using posterior predictive samples but that won’t work because the hidden states X need to be estimated again for the new sample. What will be the best way to get predictions for the new samples and also estimate the hidden states?