PYMC MMM Budget Optimization

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on a Marketing Mix Model (MMM) using PyMC to optimize budget allocations across various platforms. I have successfully run the model and obtained the optimized budget split, but I need some guidance on how to estimate the potential lift in response (specifically subscriptions) if the recommended budget is followed.

Is there a recommended approach to quantify the expected lift in subscriptions or other response metrics when moving from the current budget to the optimized one? Any insights on the process would be highly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!

We are writing a case study about a first complete model fit + budget optimization iteration MMM Case Study from PyData Global by juanitorduz · Pull Request #1044 · pymc-labs/pymc-marketing · GitHub The code is ready, we will be completing the content soon. Please feel free to leave comments or questions on the PR

@juanitorduz - Thanks for your response! I looked into it, but could you point me to the specific function or code block that can be used to predict the responses pre and post optimization?