Hello everybody…
I am not sure if this is more of a question for the Databricks community or the PyMC3 one, but anyway… I’ve just tried to run my first pymc3 model on a Databricks notebook, and the pm.sample command does not show the progress bar… can anyone tell me if there is a way to show it?
That’s interesting, and I’d guess better for the databricks community.
PyMC3 uses the fastprogress progressbar (link) – if you can’t run their examples in the notebook then it is definitely better for the databricks community!
Unfortunately, no. I have checked that the fastprogress progressbar does not work either and I have posted a message in the databricks forum, no answer so far
since it does not seem that I will get an answer anytime soon, I would like to ask: is there, or would it be possible to have in a future release, an alternative way to visualize the progress?
For instance, by printing a message every n seconds or something like that…
Any code that defines a model and calls pm.sample() would do, for instance the one from this gist
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
true_m = 0.5
true_b = -1.3
true_σ = 0.3
x = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 5, 50))
y_true = true_b + true_m * x
y = y_true + true_σ * np.random.randn(len(x))
import pymc3 as pm
with pm.Model() as model:
# Define the priors on each parameter.
m = pm.Uniform("m", lower=-5, upper=5)
b = pm.Uniform("b", lower=-5, upper=5)
σ = pm.Uniform("σ", lower=0, upper=10)
# Define the likelihood.
pm.Normal("obs", mu=m * x + b, sd=σ, observed=y)
# This is how you will sample the model.
trace = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=8, cores=24)
I have run the codes in Databricks, and the results are similar like what you showed. It only show “running…” and the message at the end, without any progress bar.