Here is some code I’ve found myself using a lot recently. It’s a basic hierarchical logistic regression. It has sensible prior choices (seemingly sensible to me at least), accepts a patsy-style design string, and has some nice convenience features such as automatically naming coefficients and “compressing” the data from long form (one row per Bernoulli trial) into count/binomial format. Please feel free to use or critique it!
Reproduced below:
"""Simple fully contained script to fit a Bayesian hierarchical logistic
regression model using PyMC3.
import theano
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('Agg') # seems to be necessary on Unix
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymc3 as pm
import theano.tensor as tt
from patsy import dmatrix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def compress(data, outcome, formula, submodel):
"""Compress the data frame from "Bernoulli" format (one row per trial) to
"binomial" format (one row per condition). This can dramatically speed up
data (pd.DataFrame): Data in Bernoulli format.
outcome (str): Name of the outcome variable (i.e., dependent variable)
formula (str): Patsy formula specifying the independent variables.
submodel (str): Name of variable used to index submodels.
pd.DataFrame: Data in binomial format.
predictors = [t for t in data.columns if t in formula or t == submodel]
entries = []
for idx, df in data.groupby(predictors):
entry = {k: v for k, v in zip(predictors, idx)}
entry['n%ss' % outcome] = df[outcome].sum()
entry['ntrials'] = len(df)
return pd.DataFrame(entries)
def model(data, outcome, formula, submodel):
"""Constructs model and places it in context, ready for sampling.
data (pd.DataFrame): Data in binomial format.
outcome (str): Name of the outcome variable (i.e., dependent variable)
formula (str): Patsy formula specifying the independent variables.
submodel (str): Name of variable used to index submodels.
None: Model placed in context.
design_matrix = dmatrix(formula, data)
submodel_names = data[submodel].unique()
sub_ix = data[submodel].replace(
{r: i for i, r in enumerate(submodel_names)}).values
betas = []
for n in design_matrix.design_info.column_names:
n = n.replace('"', '').replace("'", '').replace(' ', '').replace(',','')
μ = pm.Cauchy(name='μ_' + n, alpha=0, beta=5)
σ = pm.HalfCauchy(name='σ_' + n, beta=5)
δ = [pm.Normal(
name='δ_(%s=%s)_(condition=%s)' % (submodel, r, n), mu=0., sd=1.
) for r in submodel_names]
β = [pm.Deterministic(
'β_(%s=%s)_(condition=%s)' % (submodel, r, n), μ + d * σ
) for d, r in zip(δ, submodel_names)]
B = tt.stack(betas, axis=0).T
p = pm.invlogit(tt.sum(np.asarray(design_matrix) * B[sub_ix], axis=1))
name='n%ss' % outcome,
observed=data['n%ss' % outcome].values
def run():
"""Run the model.
with pm.Model():
model_name = '' # give your model a name
data = pd.read_csv('') # path to Bernoulli-formatted CSV
outcome = '' # DV column name
formula = '' # Patsy-style formula
submodel = '' # submodel index column
data = compress(data, outcome, formula, submodel)
model(data, outcome, formula, submodel)
backend = pm.backends.Text(model_name)
trace = pm.sample(10000, tune=2000, trace=backend)
params = open('%s/chain-0.csv' % model_name).readline().split(',')
params = [p for p in params if 'μ' in p]
pm.traceplot(trace, params)
plt.savefig('%s/traceplot.png' % model_name)
pm.plot_posterior(trace, params)
plt.savefig('%s/posteriors.png' % model_name)
pm.df_summary(trace).to_csv('%s/summary.csv' % model_name)
if __name__ == '__main__':